torsdag 19 februari 2009

Vad håller Obama och demokraterna på med?

(inte för att republikanerna är så bra heller, men vad tusan håller demokraterna på med)

På the ställdes några frågor till ledande ekonomer. Så här svarade två av dem:

2. Is there anything in the stimulus package that you think will work? If so, what?

Robert Higgs: All of it works. The trouble is what it works for, which is to reward virtually every special interest allied with the Democrats and to guarantee the recipients' future support for the pirates who are now sending the booty their way. It is eerily similar to the New Dealers' use of the Works Progress Administration and other big relief programs to buy votes and bulk up their political machine.

3. Obama says that doing nothing is not an option. Do you agree with that?

Robert Higgs: For the economy in general, doing nothing is vastly preferable to doing the stimulus package, but doing nothing is not a political option; indeed, it would be political suicide. Which shows that only by adopting economically destructive policies can politicians survive. Do you see something wrong in this picture? Given the dominant ideology and the political institutions that now exist, economically rational public policy is incompatible with political viability. See here. Having hit bottom, the politicians can only do one thing: keep digging. If Hell is down there, they'll reach it, sooner or later.

Johan Norberg: No. Every single crisis in the last 100 years shows that doing nothing would have been preferable to doing bad things. But he is right that it is not an option in the current political climate. Now what applies is the politicians' logic from Yes, Prime Minister: "Something must be done. This is something. Therefore it must be done."

Alltså: Politikerpack!: Håll er undan, så ekonomin kan få läka och jag kan få bli bullish någon gång. jag är trött på att få höra okvädingsord om att jag parasiterar genom att jäna pengar på nedgång när jag i själva verket lider varje dag i det att jag tillhandahåller min tjänst att snabba på processen där för högt värderade eller svaga företag ska värderas korrekt (falla till rätt nivå)

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