onsdag 27 februari 2013

Insiders säljer med båda händerna

Insiders verkar inte så övertygade om att det här ska gå bra i närtid... (dock ska tilläggas att de ofta köper en massa precis innan det rasar också så ta inte det här som en stark säljsignal)

TrimTabs: Insider sell/buy ratio has skyrocketed to 50.3 in February, which is by far the highest level in our records. Based on filings of Form 4 with the Securities and Exchange Commission, insiders have bought only $90 million in February. Unless buying spikes this week, this month’s volume will be the lowest in our records, which start in 2004. Meanwhile, insider selling has jumped to $4.8 billion in February, more than double the $1.9 billion in January, when it was seasonally depressed by holidays and earnings season blackouts (see third attachment).

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