måndag 11 augusti 2008


Så här bra har vi det. Och det gäller inte bara belysning. Tack uppfinnare. Och inte alls tack till alla socialister som håller tillbaka utvecklingen. Citatet är från Tim harfords bok Logic of Life.

"A modern lightbulb, illuminating a room from 6pm until midnight every night for a year, produces the same amount of light as thirty-four thousand candles from the early nineteenth century. In the early nineteenth century, earning the money to buy thirty-four thousand candles would have taken an average worker all year. When I remind myself to turn off unnecessary lights, I am saving light that would have taken my grandfather's grandfather all his working hours to provide. For me, the saving is too small to notice"

Nordhaus's experiments suggested that as far as light was concerned, economic growth has been underestimated not by a factor of two or three but ten thousand times over...

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