fredag 19 september 2008

Nyckeln till vårt irrationella beteende på börsen

Några sköna citat från artikeln "Science unveils hidden drivers of stock bubbles and crashes" som belyser hur våra djuriska instinkter och hormonsignaler styr vårt beteende i bull- respektive bear markets.

"But research in animals suggests that, over the long term, high doses of the hormone impair judgement and encourage excessive risks."

"If you were to take an identical set of facts and present them to someone high on testosterone and someone who's got chronic cortisol, the first one would see opportunities everywhere and the second would see nothing but risks," he says.

"The 'Master of the Universe' really does believe in his own invincibility," Tuckett said. "Even though many of the traders I interviewed told me 'this boom can't go on forever', they kept on investing in it."

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